Sunday, 20 November 2011

"Yes Men can realy cook"...Bad spellers and first date no no's!

"Yes Men can realy cook" was the heading on someones profile. I wanted to write him back and say, "That may be true, but you can't spell...which is probably more of an issue for me". We all have our pet peeves I suppose. I can let it slide if you can tell it is a a quick error, because we are all used to spell check. But "really" should be a simple word for a 32 year old. Once again, this isn't even what I wanted to talk about!

So, let's move onto the more entertaining topic, my latest date. This guy chose subject matter that I would only think about maybe bringing up on date 5, 6, 7 or later....10 mins after I met the guy, he says, "So, when was your last relationship?". Really?? Or should I say "realy"?? Can't we talk about work, golfing, our weekends ahead, anything but that? What good can possibly come from talking about this on the first meeting? It is an absolute given that one of the two people with divulge too much from their past causing the other person to feel like a Jr High Guidance Counsellor. In this case that was me. Maybe it is a good thing? You can really see what kind of emotional head space someone is in?! Case in point- he went on for 300, I mean 30 mins or so about how is has been in LOVE 4 times in his life..blah blah blah......I felt like saying, "I would LOVE for you to shut up"...instead I drank my 140 degree tea as fast as I could and claimed I had to go let the dog out.

As I drove home, I started to think about my first date expectations (which by the way are sadly low right now). Here is my list of things that should not be talked about on a first date:
  • When your last relationship was
  • How many long term relationships you have had
  • How many of any type of relationships you have had
  • Anything to do with bedroom talk (I am being PG)
  • How many cats you have (especially if it is more than 1)
  • What your ex looked like
  • What my ex looked like
  • Why neither of us are married
  • Why you are more awesome than anyone else on the planet
  • Why you hate your job
  • Why we should probably just back to your place (yes this has happened)
  • Why you hate online dating (trust me, we all do...admitting it doesn't make it better or easier!)
So, what are your big no no's for first date chat topics? My co-worker shared this Calgary Radio Personality's blog with me, I agree with the entire list. He goes a little further and calls it something about being Undateable. I won't go that far, but he is bang on!

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